Friday, May 7, 2010

Who am I?

Who can truly answer that question? Are we truly capable of looking at ourselves honestly and voicing what we really see? The most common responses to this question typically involve descriptive words. Mother, daughter, strong, caring etc.. And while those are probably all accurate descriptions of what I am to the people in my life, they do not really answer the question of WHO I am.

More and more I have begun to feel that there is simply no way to truthfully give an answer, because who I am is ever changing. Who I am today is not the same as who I was yesterday and tomorrow I will be someone different. This is because everything that happens to me today affects who I become tomorrow. The differences will be small, perhaps even unnoticeable, but they will still be there.

Therefore while I still cannot express WHO I am, I can sum up WHAT I am in eight words. I am the continual evolution of a soul. Though I am far from perfect, I view every day as another opportunity for me to finally reach the only being in the universe that can truly answer the question ‘Who am I?’, and that is the Great I Am.


  1. I know who you are...Choo-Choo!

  2. Amazing! 24 years of life experience and who I am still boils right back down to a childhood nickname! lol
